Family, Friends, Firewood

Family, Friends, Firewood

Family, Friends, Firewood That motto was Joe Nay’s guiding principle as he started Ohio Wood Burner, and is still carved in wood as he expands his company into the premier firewood distributor in Ohio! But little did Joe know how expansive his list of family and...


“There are many aspects of the EAN that have helped us on a daily basis, whether it’s documentation process, training for our employees, or sending interns into the business to help us with our compliance.” View Website Taylor-Winfield Services Used: Ohio Export...


“The SBDC has opened our company up to a world of opportunities. We developed such a great relationship with the SBDC team that any questions we have with research, marketing, sales, or projections, we would reach out to them.” View Website Humtown Services...


“Haltec has made significant use of the SBDC EAN at YSU for the last 5 years. They assisted us in researching new opportunities such as the Russia and India markets.” View Website Haltec Services Used: Ohio Export Internship Program, IMAGE Grant, IMS Program, Market...


“The Ohio SBDC EAN at YSU helped us enter into foreign markets by helping us interpret and understand contracts, find local representation, arrange financing, and transport our goods.” View Website Kirila Services Used: Market Research, IMS...